One Man’s Fascinating Search for Enlightenment – Brent Walters

July 4th, 2010  |  Published in Reviews  |  No Comments

Have you ever asked yourself how a seemingly ordinary man becomes extraordinary, and what the difference between the two is? Urban Mystic is a book that takes the reader on an extraordinary journey through this process. Ken Mellor’s description of his quest for enlightenment is so compelling, it will entice you to keep reading, absorbing and digesting all that you can, until the very last word.

As with all journeys, the road Ken took to realising the Divine was a winding path – a path that faced him with many different challenges and took him to many different places, places that were both unknown, yet somehow familiar.

If your quest for your own enlightenment seems never-ending, with the occasional pothole to make sure you feel the ride,and with signpost after signpost seemingly pointing in vastly different directions, you will appreciate Ken’s journey.

His narrative offers many practical suggestions, and inspires us with his determination to find the truth, which, once found – he makes an essential part of his being. Also, what he learns during his relentless pursuit of masterhood offers us guidance and help along our own roads – wherever they may be taking us.

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